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Farina Syauqina

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mood swing!!!!
Sekali kate NO!
 sekali kate ERMM, OK!
sekali kate I MUST TRY! 
sekali kate CUKUP LAAA!
 sekali kate OWH, AKU KENE SABAR! 
sekali kate DUN GIVE UP! 
sekali kate WOOI, STOP IT! 
sekali kate WORK HARDER! 
sekali kate BAGI LAA MASE! 
sekali kate OK, TURUT AJE! 
sekali kate CATCH IT! 
sekali kate TUNGGU! 
sekali kate BUANG MASA! 
sekali kate SERIK SERIK LAA WEI!
 sekali kata TAKDE PEKDAHNYE....! 
soo last kata jangan turut tipu daya hasut syaitan.............


Minta petunjuk dari Allah S.W.T..... insyaALLAH.. :)

Jawapannya hanya satu..
dalam hati...
takde sape tau :)

peace V(^.') 

Arah tuju ku......
Dear diary.. ( ececece.. diary tu benda secret, mane leh tulis kat sini.. =.="  )

Dah lame rupenye kan aku tak menulis pasal isi hati kat sini.. asyik-asyik ngan lirik lagu, pastu sajak... awww~ nukilan aku sendiri yang langsung tak best. Kutuk diri sendiri pehal la plak. Atoi!! Takpe la, janji aku bahagia. Bahagia ke aku sekarang?? Cam minah sakit otak jek aku rase. Tak abes-abes babak gila jugak kau pilih. 3 suku betol.. Alaaa, name lagi emo kan.. sape tak emo tuu, bukan manusia la jawabnye. binatang pon emo laaa! Haih! Tak perlu aku nak explain sal binatang-binatang nih. Tak termasok dlam coretan kamus hidup yang lara sepi nih. Cewaah! Ahak! dah datang dah penyakit diaaaaaa~

Errmm, aku tipu kalau aku cakap aku bahagia sangaaaaat ngan hidup aku sekarang. Bahagia tetap bahagia. Tapi cahaya tu, kureeeng laa. Haha! Tak berapa nak berbunga. Uhuk! Malas laa nak mempromosi kesakitan kejiwaan aku nih. Tapi tu laa hakikat yang kena aku hadapi. Sakiiit~ Dulu kena, sekarang.. hampir-hampir kena.. Tobat ahh aku nyesal.. And aku serik gilaaaaa! Betul la orang cakap.. remaja sekarang kalau tanya, pengalaman paling pahit.. Adalah putus cinta! Alamak.. kantoooooi~

Jap aku nak gelak dulu. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHHA! ntah pape penyakit aku ni.. asal sebot jek bab jiwang, mesti nak gelak, pastu nangis.. haih! yelaaaa, mane tak nye.. mule-mule bukan kemain bahagia la, happy laa, sampai tersemput-semput dada.. haaaa! skang, amek kau,, tersemput-semput kau nangis. Cari penyakit sape suruh. Orang kate, jangan gelak banyak-banyak, sebab takut pastu nangis. Tengok laa cam aku nih. haaa~ semput!! haaaa~ semput!! hahahaha~! padan muke =.="

Oiiii.. umo baru 19.. dah gatal, ape ke hal??!! Aku cakap kat aku sendiri laa ni.. Alaaa, name lagi remaja (remaja lagi ke?) nak laa disayangi dan menyayangi. Wah gituuuu! Tapi single is always be the best laaa. Tak payah nak 'ngotok-ngotok', tak payah nak amik tau hal orang lain. Baju pun mesin yang basuh, ade hati nak berpakwe.. Errrrrr... ye ker? haha! Hakikat babe! Hakikat.. Aku la mangsa cinta.

Skang aku kena laa kuatkan diri aku balik,, lepas ape yang terjadi april lepas.. ingatkan da cukup kuat.. katang orang kata.. haha.. Tapi tak jugak kuat.. maybe sebab terlampau layan sangat perasaan tuu. sampai la jadi perasan! hehehe~ so, sekarang terkena lak badi ketiga kot. haha! and i think.. cukup...cukup laa wat mase ni.. i need some rest.. bawak-bawak banyak laa sedar diri dan bertaubat.. tak tahan da kene frust jek memanjang, cume situasi jek lain-lain.. wei wei.. stop it! weeeeeeeeeeei! geram gak ngan aku nih. tak reti-reti bahasa. pisang buruk da banyak kali berbuah la wei!

Soooo.. sekarang just follow the flow life.. Andai ada la jodoh ngan si dia (sapa ntah..), ada la tuu.. Kalau takde,  soo, aku redha jek la. Maybe someone out there is waiting for me, just i don't know who then. And malas nak tau jugak, sebab semua ni Allah dah takdirkan. sejauh mane pn kita lari, andai kata tu lah jodoh kita, dia akan datang jugak kat kita.. Ayat cam tak leh blah..! haha.. Terimalah hakikat dowh. Farina Syauqina ni bukan kaum Hawa yang lemah. hekhek!

Selagi aku boleh single, selagi tu laa aku akan mempertahankan status aku.. selagi belom sampai seru untuk aku membina masjid. heee~ aku tak galok tau.. sape taknak bina masjid kan.. i mean berkahwin.. Aii~ kawen! haha. * gatal sudaa datang* aishh! kawen tu wajib bagi yang cukup. cukup ape-ape jela asalkan boleh berkahwin. dari segi harta, walaupun seciput, tapi diharuskan jugak kan. So, kahwin adalah perkara yang dituntut jugak dalam Islam.. malas nak cakap lebih sebab aku pn jahil lagi. nati tersalah, kang x memasal kene saman..

Bila hati da terbuka untuk terima orang lain dalam hidup, insyaALLAH hajat tu akan aku teros dan perjuangkan.. ehek! kena baiki diri dulu untuk jadi bini mithali :)) baru laa laki tak lari! atoooi!

shomeeeeel :) awwwww~

peace ('.^)V

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My tears ..
dropping out again...
down to the earth..
The silver droplets...
 shining around my eyes..
Waiting for someone to wipe them out...

I miss you..
and always waiting for you...

Cinta itu sebuah anugerah..
Dari ALLAH...
Lahir tanpa disedari..
Datang tanpa diundang..
Tinggal tanpa salam..

Cinta itu realiti...
Cinta itu indah..
Cinta itu abadi..
Tapi betulkah...
Cinta itu pengorbanan...?

Saat mulut bermanis kata..
Saat indah bertentang mata...
Namun sampai bila bertemankan setia..
Adakah hingga ke hujung nyawa....

Cinta itu satu..
Cinta pada yang SATU...
Hati lara menguntum duka...
Jika pengorbanan ...
Menuju bahagia...
Ku pilih...
Jalan ke syurga..

Saat kau menjadi milikku..
Itu adalah saat yang terindah...
Saat kau pergi dariku..
Itu menjadi kenangan lalu..
Namun kan ku tetap semai kasih cinta...
Setia bersamamu...
Hingga nafas di hujung waktu...

Aku merinduimu....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

future ~ too far to be catched!
Past is the real part...
the best scene..
Taught a person how to be today..

The future...
is the next step..
fake to be dreaming..
real to be running towards..
to be catching forward...
to be facing upwards..
and don't even look backwards..

How the past began..
How the next will begin..

It's all depending on the person..
how to start it..
and how to finish it...

it worse initially..
and happy finally....
or vice versa...

Past is always a past..
Future is the next past to be finished..
There's no life without pain..
The pain has its own scars...
Scars are always scars..
Protect the scars with its own gain..
No need to be given up..
It always needs to be the last thing..

Life will always laugh badly..
Smiling stupidly..
Looking for weakness..
But once the strength appear..
Smile and hug back..
It's the best appreciation to give..
Cause life deserves to get the best..
Life is always one..
Once a life...

Leave the past behind..
Move on to the future..
The whole world are waiting for the new..
Step on the reality..
Life is too short to have regrets..
Cause life is always one...
Life begins... =)

Today My Life Begins =)
Life's too short to have regrets .. 
so i'm learning to now, to leave in the past .. 
and try to forget .. 
we only have ONE life to live .. 
so you better make the best of it .. 
I will break the chains that bind me .. 
happiness will find me .. 
leave the past behind me .. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Revenge! is coming around.
I don't even know..
What is my heart talking about..
What is my heart missing about..
What is my heart feeling about..
I just don't even know..
and I don't want to know..!

I don't know..
Whether this is my real destination of life..
This is a fake of a next future..
I just have to get ready..
need to prepare myself..
living in a small world with lies..

I don't even care..
If the way I suppose to be now..
is who I wanna be..
cause this is me..
I'm not perfect..
and always not..

Don't ever think..
I'm a person just like years ago..
I can't be that..
and would never be..
I had changed myself...

that's the way..
I describe myself..

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts

Cause all that as waiting is regret
And don't you know I am not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most
I learned to live half alive
And now you want me one more time
And who do you think you are
Running around leaving scars
No I can't take one more step towards you
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are

I hear your asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms
I learned to live half alive
And now you want me one more time
And who do you think you are
Running around leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You are gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are

And it took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I would have missed the first time that we kissed
Cause you broke all your promises
And now your back
You don't get to get me back
And who do you think you are
Running around leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You are gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all
And who do you think you are
Running around leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You are gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all

Who do you think you are
Who do you think you are
Who do you think you are

Bruno Mars - Today My Life Begins

Seems like pain has been my only friend
My fragile heart’s been done so wrong
I wondered if I’d ever heal again
Ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same
All around me I can feel a change (ohh)
I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me, today my life begins
I’ve been working hard so long
A whole new world is waithing it’s mine for the taking
I know I can make it today my life begins
Yesterday has come and gone
And I’ve learn how to leave it where it is
And I see that I was wrong
For ever doubting I could win
Ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same
All around me I can feel a change (ohh)
I will break these chains that bind me happiness will find me
Leave that past behind me today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting its mine for the taking
I know I can make it today my life begins
Life’s to short to have regrets
So I’m learning now to leave it in the past and try to forget
Only have one life to live
So you better make the best of it
I will break these chains that bind me happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting its mine for the taking
I know I can make it today my life begins
I will break these chains that bind me happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting its mine for the taking
I know I can make it today my life begins

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Love + Miss You Quotes~~~
Love Pinky

Stop This Pain Tonight

Stop this pain tonight....

I Love U

I Miss You

I miss you...

Animated HearT in Cups

Its Sad

Its sad when people u know become people u knew...

Miss Him

Miss him when he's not there....

About Love

I Miss U A Lot

U changed my whole life...

to be with you

A long to be with u...

Nobody Understands How Much I Miss You

Nobody understands....

will always remain in my hear forever....

Honestly.. i CAN completely let u go...

The Moments When You Have Truly Lived Are The Moments When You Have Done Things In The Spirit Of Love

Spirit of love...

10 Signs I'm In Love With You

10 signs....

13 Signs You're Falling In Love

13 signs...



created by~
wan farina syauqina

Jangan Pernah Berubah...
Biarkan waktu teruslah berputar
Mencintai kamu penuh rasa sabar
Meski sakit hati ini kau tinggalkan
Ku ikhlas ‘tuk bertahan

Cintaku padamu begitu besar
Namun kau tak pernah bisa merasakan
Meski sakit hati ini kau tinggalkan
Ku ikhlas ‘tuk bertahan

Kau meninggalkanku tanpa perasaan
Hingga ku jatuhkan airmata
Kekecewaan ku sungguh tak berarah
Biarkan ku harus bertahan

Jangan pernah kau coba untuk berubah
Tak relakan yang indah hilanglah sudah
Jangan pernah kau coba untuk berubah
Tak relakan yang indah hilanglah sudah

Jangan pernah kau coba untuk berubah
Ku relakan yang indah dalam hatinya

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